The month of May, that is. WOW! I thought it was supposed to slow down once school is out. We have ballet rehearsals all week. We had kindergarten roundup today. A couple of weeks ago we went to Daniel's school art show. And this weekend was a very special birthday celebration for my mother-in-law. I won't share her age, since it's not polite and all for southern ladies to tell their age. But she doesn't look at ALL the age she is. I hope my kids inherited that "look young when you are not" gene.
Some of the new May Self-Addressed Kit club creations are finally up. Here are my projects. This was a great kit. Check it out (link is in the side-bar).
The June issue of Giftmaker Magazine is about to hit the stands and one of my projects in it is posted online! I was so excited to see an image of it. Can you believe it will be July in just 2 more months? So, if you are planning a Patriotic party - click Here for ideas.
I didn't mean to do Friday posts in a row. I just seems that I have more "blog" time on Friday. Okay - those that came in the past week probably are glad I took down the Blades of Glory video. Hee hee - sometimes I just like to surprise people.
Well, this Friday is DATE NIGHT Friday. Hubby and I are going to see Spiderman 3. Since I hadn't seen Spiderman 2, he rented the DVD for me last night - only I didn't get to see all of it because it was a very badly scratched DVD. It got stuck in key places (like when Dr. Ock was becoming evil and when Spidey rescued Auntie and when Spidey and MJ were lovey dovey in the web). But my son filled me in on what wasn't playing. I told the Blockbuster people and they let me get a free DVD - so I got Dream Girls! Yeah. I forgot to see it in the theaters. (yeah, forgot).
So.... for all you fans if Spiderman... how many of you remember when it was a cartoon? I was reminded of the theme song when the lady with the guitar was singing in the movie. I actually remembered that tune.
I'm a freelance artist (the kind where you paint on paper or canvas) and somehow morphed into a paper artist (the scrapbook "scissors and paper" kind). I juggle paper crafting with my "art" job, 2 children and a very supportive husband. I love taking photos of my family and love scrapbooking because I can do my art thing with the photos. One of my new found techniques is using my scrapbook paper in my paintings (collage). It's the best of both worlds. I love anything artsy - so when I'm not creating - I'm thinking about creating.