Saturday, February 04, 2006

CHA Vegas! My Big Adventure

I made it to Vegas and back! I'm tired but wanted to update my blog just a bit.

I left Sunday at noon on a small.. what Cindy Curtis calls a "puddle jumper" plane. It had 3 aisles of seats.. Aisle A,D and E. I was seated in 6B. Go figure!!!

When I got to Houston I phoned my husband. He and Arielle were watching me board the small connection plane and Arielle yes yelling something to me. Of course, I couldn't hear her. Jeff said she was yelling:

"Bye Mommy. Go have an adventure!"

On my flight to Phoenix I sat next to an asian lady on her way to Alaska who gave me hopia. Is hopia legal? Just kidding. It was quite tasty. Her name was Cindy. Cindy - if you ever find my blog (because I forgot the blog address - let me know if that list of ingredients was correct).

On my way from Phoenix to Vegas, I was fortunate to sit next to a flight attendant flying to Vegas for a job. Her last name was Kuhlman and I had to ask if she was related to Kathryn K. She said "no" but her miracle child daughter was named after her.

It was a mad dash to get a shuttle to the hotel just in time to catch the Flair girls as they headed out to the Bellagio for dinner at the Olives. The food was fantastic. We ordered 3 desserts and passed them around the table so we could sample everything. We went to the fountains and watched the show and I almost cried. It was beautiful.

The Flair Girls actually have a cab driver that they call when they are in town. His name is Allen and when we have a big group and need 2 cabs, he calls a buddy. Allen insists on opening ALL the doors for us, will take you anywhere you want, and his business card says "what happens in vegas STARTS IN MY CAB". LOL

I'll post more later!

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