Here is Pie Number One
Problem: took too long to cook in double boiler and therefore the chef (me) abandoned the boiling before it got thick.
Result - tastes great but runny. Hubby ate it all anyway. (gotta love a man that will cook whatever you consider less than par).

Here is Pipe Number Two
Problem: After researching and comparing recipes - I settled for one in Taste of the South magazine (plus it had a nice photo). Half way in the cooking process, I noticed it didn't call for eggs in the recipe. ALL the other similar ones did. What to do? Hmmm.... eggs or no eggs.... So, I added eggs as in the other recipes.
Result - success.

And then there's Taylor Swift. I took the little miss to her concert this week. Making a note to NOT ever get floor seats unless they are VIP seats right next to the stage. LOL. Why do people STAND during a concert when they are on the floor. NO one can see over your head unless you are 6 feet and 50 inches tall.
But..........wait. What is the commotion BEHIND us in the middle of the concert???
(don't read this if you are planning on going to a Fearless tour and you don't like spoilers)
She came and got on a rotating stage about ten feet from us. I told my daughter not to move because we couldn't be in a better place. I was in photography la-la-land as well as being so happy I could actually SEE the show.

Great concert! Thanks for stopping by. I'm off to excercise after eating that piece of chocolate pie!!!