Sunday, November 26, 2006

Black Friday also titled "Out with the crazies"

Well, I went out at 5am on Black Friday. I have only went about 5 times my entire life that I can remember. Too crazy - but I lost my mind this year. I went and my son (he's 14) went with me. My main reason was to get a $90 sewing machine for $65 at Target. It's a Christmas gift from last year that I was too lazy to purchase (my folks gave me $) - but my really, really old machine died a couple of weeks ago. First we went to a store in the mall when it opened at 5am (actually I was about 5 minutes late so I didn't actually get caught in the mad rush thru the doors.) I bought a few good buys using my b-day money (gee - and that was 5 weeks ago..he he). Then we headed to Target. The line wrapped around the side of the building. No WAY was I going to the end of the line. THere were people standing in the parking lot across from the front doors - so we crossed over and stood there with them. What were 2 cops and 2 store owners going to do to the line breakers? Yep - call me a line breaker. Me and my son dodged the cops and made it thru the first few people - and were able to get a buggy. Since that was the last store we needed to go to - once we got our "goods" we weren't in a hurry to leave. BIG MISTAKE. After we browsed, we went to the checkout line and the line went to the right to all the way thru the store to electronics, then curved BACK around and went to the check-out area. (I personally think that lack of sleep must impair people's judgment so that they are more apt to be herded like cattle without complaint). So we are standing in line looking at electronics for quite some time before we even turned in the right direction. Low and behold the pharmacy opened 2 checkers there and we were able to get thru - but I'm not sure how much faster that was since those 2 checkers seemed to move slow. I shared my buggy with the lady behind me who had an armload of things. SHe was abandoned by her partners who didn't want to stand in line for an hour (they went to eat). I let her put her things in the bottom part of my buggy. It was the least I could do since she was one of those who actually got in the long line that wrapped around the outside of the building and didn't get a buggy. At 7am my phone rings - I guess my daughter got up. (she's 4 1/2).

hello..... hi, mom. how's it going.... are you?....... I'm fine. Is it crazy?..... yes, dear.pretty crazy....... are you getting me that toy? what's it called again?...... etch-a-sketch?...., honey.No etch-a-sketch.Santa is bringin you that....... oh, okay. well, bye.......bye...

Then the line broke off to the pharmacy so we took it. Of all aisles to be in, we were now in the feminine products aisle. We felt quite educated. Can you imagine my son??? I didn't know they made panty liners especially shaped for thongs. Not that I would ever need any, but it was funny. by the way, does anyone get the logic as to why they put condoms next to EPT tests?? Sure wish we had of been on the cosmetic aisle instead. I could have used some new lipstick but I'm always in a hurry to pick out just the right shade. ha ha ha ha ha ha I would have had plenty of time.

Then we headed back to the mall b/c my son wanted to go to the new Starbucks. Yes, people, Northeast Louisiana now has a Starbucks. What did we find there - at least a 30 minutes wait. But my son saw 2 of his friends there. Then I went to Bath & Body works, saw the line that went through the store- and said - that's it - lets go home.Came home - put away my b-day gifts, played with my machine, and went to bed. The other holiday gifts are still in the trunk. Shhh - don't tell the kids.


Jennifer Stewart said...

That's crazy!! I think we did ok and didn't get in any big crowds because we left at 6 instead of 5. We weren't with the line wrappers, lol. Glad you got your sewing machine! :)


Donna said...

Congrats for braving the masses! I certainly couldn't do it!

Celia said...

Love reading about your adventures!! LOL!!!

Joanne Bain said...

Hi Melanie
I have just come across your blog and thought I would stop and say HI!. Your layouts are just beautiful.
Have a great day